The rear axle assembly is fastened to the underside of the frame with 1/2″ bolts.
Drill a 1/2″ hole in the middle of the front axle, located as close to the threaded axle rod as possible. Center the axle so that this hole is 6″ from the front of the frame and clamp to frame. Drill a 1/2″ hole through the frame using the hole in the axle as a guide. Bolt the axle to the frame as shown in sk-21 (see detail A) so that the axle can turn.
At each end of the front axle drill a hole through the wide dimension for the 5″ eyebolts. Make sure these holes do not interfere with the threaded axle rod. Install the eyebolts and secure with nuts.
Cut the steering stop block as shown. sk-? Fasten it to the underside of the frame so that the center peak almost touches the middle of the front axle.